The Gutter LA
Police Department
Property Team
Priority Pass
Faction Management
Instant Whitelist
Guide to a /me. |
A /me is used for performing actions for your character that can not be shown through actions or animations. A /me can also be used to show your expression, moods, and what your character is wearing. A /me will always be shown around your characters vicinity, and should always be written in third person. You do not need to type your characters name in your /me because the command does it for you. A /me also does not start with a capitalized letter, but should always end with a period. When you are typing a /me you must be as detailed as possible with the proper grammar. A detailed /me helps further the depth of the roleplay, and there should never be any profanity.
Proper examples of a /me:
- /me takes a cigarette box out of his/her pocket, removing the cigarette and placing it between his/her lips.
- /me takes a lighter out of his/her back pocket using it to light the cigarette in his/her mouth.
- /me pulls out his/her wallet from his/her back pocket as he/she takes out a couple of dollar bills handing it over to the cashier.
- /me begins taking the heavy boxes out of the back of the truck one at a time to stack them inside of the warehouse.
- /me lifts his/her head to look up at the male/female as he/she explains the situation.
Remember that you must always follow the rules and be fair. There should be no power gaming in your /me such as the following; - /me punches the male/female in his/her face causing him/her to pass out.
This is forcing roleplay upon someone without giving them a fair chance to respond to the roleplay.
Improper /me’s with proper corrected examples that are optional; - Incorrect: /me gives license
Correct: /me takes his/her license out of his/her right pocket and hands it over to the officer. - Incorrect: /me hits male
Correct: /me curls up his/her fist and swings on the individual. - Incorrect: /me TAKES BAG
Correct: /me takes the bag from the individual swinging it over his shoulder. - Incorrect: /me grabs gun to air this bitch out
Correct: /me places his Glock-17 onto his lap, gripping it in his hand. - Incorrect: /me Is DEAD.
Correct: /me lays lifeless on the ground.
- Players are required to give a response to your actions by using a /me to state their reaction. If you perform an open action and the other party is unresponsive for 30-45 seconds and you have allowed a reasonable chance to respond with their own action, you may ask them once more to reply to you and if the player is unresponsive, your action becomes successful.
Guide to a /do.
Proper examples of a /do: - /do Would the female smell any marijuana or alcohol coming from the vehicle?
/do No, the female would not smell any marijuana or alcohol coming from the vehicle. - /do John would have a cast wrapped around his right arm.
- /me attempts to take the male’s hat off of his head.
/do Success? - /me begins to pat the male down for any belongings on his body.
/do What items would he/she find? - /me takes out his handcuffs off of his deputy belt and places it onto the individuals wrist.
/do Would the individual resist? - /do There would be a fresh open cut on the male/female’s face along with bruises down his/her body.
- /do Alcohol would reek from John’s breath.
Incorrect examples of a /do: - /do SWING ON MALE.
- /do pulls cash out pocket.
- /do Checks the male for pulse, would the male have one? (You would /me checking the pulse, then /do asking if one is present.)
Remember to ALWAYS answer a /do. Failure to respond to a /do will be considered avoiding roleplay which is a ban. You must reply to a /do within 3-5 minutes.
Fire Department Call Guide.
- /911ems Hello my name is (first & last) and there is an unconscious male on the ground in the Parkway Gardens housing complex, his pulse has been checked please send help.
- /911ems Hello my name is (first & last) I am currently located at the park in Englewood with an unconscious female who has a light pulse could we get an ambulance please.
- (If you died but you are alone) /911ems Hello my name is (make up a first & last) and I have come across an unresponsive male on the ground who is showing a light pulse could I get some EMS down here to West Woodlawn.
Subpar Call Examples; - /911ems My friend died we need EMS.
- /911ems I died to not eating.
- /911ems Need help I'm dead.
Police/Sheriff Department Call Guide. - Bad Police Calls
- /911 there is a group of males saying they have guns on them and they are scaring me because of the yelling.
- /911 I got into a car accident, can I have an ambulance.
- /911 someone is attempting to rob me, please send someone. - Valid Police Calls
- /911 My name is (insert your characters first and last name). I am currently located on (place the street name or landmark). There is a group of males yelling at each other inside of this store & it is making a lot of people uncomfortable. Can you have Police here to assess the group before something happens. There is about 5 of them and they are wearing (brief description of what they are wearing). I heard them talking about firearms are going to be drawn.
- /911 My name is (insert your characters first and last name). I am currently located on (place the street name or landmark). I just got into a car accident and the driver is refusing to swap out information with me. I do not need medical assistance. Can someone be sent down here so we can exchange information please. I have documented the other vehicles license plate as well just incase he drives off.
- /911 My name is (insert your characters first and last name). I am currently located on (place the street name or landmark). I am currently running at the moment and someone is following me in attempt to steal my belongings. They’ve been following me for about 2-3 minutes and I’m scared and slowly running out of breath. The person is wearing (brief description of garments). This person is also brandishing a firearm, I tried to get away fast. Please send someone, I am in danger.
- If you are in an active role play scene and something happens to you where you are unable to use your first and last name in a call, you are allowed to make a /911 call. However, this must be done via local caller. - Ex: /911 (Local Caller) I was just walking down the street and noticed a (insert male or female) laying on the ground. I have not went up to that person yet, but I believe they are either intoxicated or possibly passed out. Can someone be sent to check on this individual? We are located on (insert street name or closest landmark).